SimER: AI-driven Simulation for Call-Taker Training in Emergency Responses

About SimER

SimER is an AI-driven simulation environment to assist call-taker training under emergency response scenarios. SimER is under a collaborated project supported by Vanderbilt University and Metro Nashville Government.
Fun Fact: SimER is called ANGIE at DEC to honor a beloved retired employee, Angie. There's a saying at DEC: "Ask Angie, because he knows everything."

SimER Image
A Closer Look at SimER

What SimER Can Do

SimER Prototype Demo

Our Team


Meiyi Ma, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor in Department of Computer Science at Vanderbilt


Zirong Chen
Computer Science Ph.D Student at Vanderbilt


Noah Mladenovski
IT Specialist at Metro Nashville Dept. of Emergency Communications


Erin Wilson
Information Systems Application Analyst at Metro Nashville Dept. of Emergency Communications


Kristin Mullen, RPL, CMCP
Training and Quality Assurance Manager at Metro Nashville Dept. of Emergency Communications


Stephen Martini, ENP CPE
Director of Metro Nashville Dept. of Emergency Communications